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PHP order multiple RSS feeds by date


I have a bit of PHP code to merge two RSS feeds. I was trying to sort the feeds by date, but I get the funny result that:

  1. The two feeds get sorted separately (1st feed listed first, thensecond feed)

  2. The first feed gets sorted ascending and the second gets sorted descending.

I want ALL of the data (feed 1 + 2 together) to be sorted by date with the latest item first. Any help is much appreciated!

This is my code (usort and foreach loop at the bottom):

<?phpclass Feed_Miro{    public $urls = array();    public $data = array();    public function addFeeds( array $feeds )    {        $this->urls = array_merge( $this->urls, array_values($feeds) );    }    public function grabRss()    {        foreach ( $this->urls as $feed )        {            $data = @new SimpleXMLElement( $feed, 0, true );            if ( !$data )                throw new Exception( 'Could not load: ' . $feed );            foreach ( $data->channel->item as $item )            {                $this->data[] = $item;            }        }    }    public function merge_feeds(){        $temp = array();                foreach ( $this->data as $item )        {            if ( !in_array($item->link, $this->links($temp)) )            {                $temp[] = $item;            }        }    $this->data = $temp;    }    private function links( array $items ){        $links = array();        foreach ( $items as $item )        {            $links[] = $item->link;        }        return $links;    }}/********* add urls*********/$urls = array( 'http://www.voyagersfamily.ch/feed.xml', 'http://www.miroman.ch/feed.xml' );try{    $feeds = new Feed_Miro;    $feeds->addFeeds( $urls );    $feeds->grabRss();    $feeds->merge_feeds();}catch ( exception $e ){    die( $e->getMessage() );}// test from here$data = array();$data = $feeds -> data;usort($data, function($a,$b){    return $a->pubDate - $b->pubDate;});foreach ( $data as $item ) ://foreach ( $feeds->data as $item ) :extract( (array) $item );?><div class="span4 profile"><h3 class="profile-description"><a href="<?php echo $link; ?>" style="text-decoration:none;"><?php echo $title; ?></a></h3><p class="profile-description"><?php echo $description; ?><br>published: <?php echo $pubDate; ?> <a href="<?php echo $link ?>" target="_blank">more</a></p></div><?php endforeach; ?>

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